Sedation Dentistry in NW Calgary, AB

Sedation Dentistry Near You

Have you put off a visit to the dentist for too long? Would you rather live with that aching tooth than head for the dentist’s chair? You’re certainly not alone. Many people avoid scheduling preventative care like regular cleanings because they have a fear of the dentist. Unfortunately, avoiding these yearly visits can cause even more problems later as gum disease begins to develop and dental issues occur. Fear is just one of several reasons people might avoid the dentist. Here are some other reasons people don’t schedule their regular visits.

sedation dentistry in NW Calgary

Sedation Dentistry

  • Low pain tolerance
  • Anxiety and nervousness about procedures
  • Requiring a lot of dental work
  • Extreme sensitivity in their teeth
  • Difficulty remaining numb when anesthetics are used

If you struggle with any of the issues listed above, do not worry. We provide sedation dentistry in NW Calgary, AB T3B 5V4, so you are able to receive the dental care and treatment you need.

Your dentist uses sedation dentistry in NW Calgary, AB T3B 5V4 for a wide range of procedures to help many patients enjoy a more comfortable and positive dental experience. Sedation dentistry can be effective for everything from a simple cleaning to an invasive procedure. Keeping your teeth healthy is the most important goal, so we provide sedation dentistry in NW Calgary to help you get there. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Our sedation dentist near you will be happy to answer your concerns.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry Near You

We offer sedation dentistry in NW Calgary to help you relax during your procedure and save you time. If your procedure is one that usually needs to be performed over several visits, your doctor may use sedation dentistry near you to fit more work into a single appointment. You won’t have to come back multiple times, and your work can be completed sooner. Also, if you are under sedation, dental procedures can seem to last mere minutes instead of the hours it usually takes. It will feel like you’ve been in the chair for a shorter period of time. Sedation dentistry can help make your treatment painless, and you will likely experience far less anxiety. As a result, you can gain a boost in your confidence along with a healthier smile.

What to Expect

You will feel at ease, but you will still be awake and aware of what’s going on around you. Your dental team will closely monitor you during the procedure to make sure you are well—last comes recovery. Generally, there are few side effects from the sedative, but everyone is different. Often, you won’t even remember the period of time you were in the dentist’s chair. While recovering, you need to be monitored by a family member or a friend, and you should rest.

Our clinic offers several options for sedation dentistry in NW Calgary, AB T3B 5V4. The first step is to schedule a consultation to determine what type of sedation is best for you. Our clinic offers oral, oxide and IV sedation near you. Our sedation dentist near you prioritizes your comfort and will help you have a positive dental experience.