7 Causes You May Have Bad Breath

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  • 7 Causes You May Have Bad Breath
reasons of bad breath

Bad breath is a problem that everyone worries about. It can be uncomfortable at times. No one wants to be the person in the office that people avoid because your breath smells terrible.
Bad breath is not only a potentially embarrassing dilemma. It can also indicate other health problems if it is chronic and consistent. Halitosis is the medical term for chronic bad breath.

Many causes of halitosis are associated with specific smells. A few examples include:

  • A fishy odour (assuming you haven’t eaten any fish) or the smell of ammonia. It is often related to kidney disease and increased urea levels.
  • A fruity smell, specifically if you have diabetes. It indicates an imbalance in blood sugar.
  • If your breath has an acidic odour, it may be asthma or cystic fibrosis symptom.
  • Cheesy breath is usually indicative of a nasal infection.

Of course, if your breath smells like pickles or onions, it might be the pickles or onions you ate earlier. If you feel you frequently suffer from bad breath, discuss it with your dentist. They can often identify the potential problem by scent alone. Knowing the cause is the first step to addressing the problem and eventually getting rid of your bad breath for good.

Sinus Breath: A common source of problems that may cause halitosis is your sinuses. Sometimes it can be due to a buildup of microbes in your sinuses.

As the air you exhale moves past the bacteria and buildup, their odour is carried with it. The same is true for cases of post-nasal drip and nasal polyps.

Sinusitis, or sinus cavity inflammation, almost always causes terrible breath. It is a prevalent condition. Luckily, it is easily treatable. Unluckily, sinusitis due to allergies can be more long-term and harder to deal with.

The two symptoms are potentially connected if you suffer from sinus problems and bad breath.

1. Smoking and Tobacco

This one may be a little obvious. People probably say kissing someone who smokes cigarettes is like kissing an ashtray. Even being close to people who smoke is no walk in the park. It’s more like a walk-through dive bar.

Tobacco breath is solid and distinct. Long-term smoking can frequently cause halitosis. It means your breath could be wrong even if you haven’t had a cigarette all day.

Bad breath is one of the minor health concerns associated with cigarette and tobacco use. Plaque buildup, yellow and decaying teeth, mouth cancer, lung cancer, and many other conditions result from smoking regularly.

2. Gum Disease

It is another common cause of halitosis. If your bad breath leaves an unpleasant taste in your mouth, you may have an untreated disease in your gums.
Gum disease is usually not very painful on its own. You may only realize you have it if you pay attention. Because this is so hard to detect, seeing a dentist is crucial. A dentist can thoroughly examine your gums and teeth for any issues. They will also be able to help you treat gum disease and, in turn, treat your halitosis.

3. Plaque Buildup

Only some people brush their teeth more frequently than they should. If you are one of those people, chances are a lot of plaque has built up on your teeth and around your gums.

It can lead to worse problems, like cavities or gingivitis. It also naturally makes your breath smell. The first step to solving this is to make brushing your teeth a regular habit. At least twice a day will prevent the further buildup of plaque.

If your problem doesn’t disappear quickly, you may need to get your teeth cleaned professionally by a dentist. It is basically like a fresh start for your teeth. After that, you must keep the plaque from building up again.

4. Dietary Causes of Bad Breath

Sometimes, your halitosis may be due to your diet or what foods you eat regularly. Low-carb diets like the keto diet can give your breath a fruity or acetone-like odour.

It happens because low-carb diets stimulate the burning of fat. This process gives off the odour-causing chemical ketone.

It can also be caused by not eating enough! One thing about fasting frequently or skipping meals means that your mouth produces less saliva. Less saliva means that more bacteria remain in your mouth. It leads to an unpleasant, sulfuric odour.

5. “Diabetes Breath”

People with diabetes must deal with two issues that may cause bad breath. The first is due to not enough insulin being produced by the body. It triggers fat burning; like low-carb diets, diabetes can similarly affect your breath.

The second cause is more serious. If the smell is fishy or something like ammonia, it could be a sign of chronic kidney failure. Be sure and check with a doctor if you have diabetes and experiencing halitosis. It is especially if you are confident that you maintain your insulin levels. There may be an underlying issue.

6. Trimethylaminuria

This particular condition is scarce. It is a genetic disorder. Sometimes it’s called fish-odour syndrome, which isn’t a great name. TMAU, or trimethylaminuria, causes a body odour and bad breath.

TMAU affects the body’s ability to process choline in eggs, broccoli, beans, and legumes. When choline isn’t properly broken down, it causes a buildup of triethylamine.

It is subsequently excreted through saliva, sweat, urine, and the exhaled air. The only treatment is to cut from your diet anything containing choline. Diagnosing this disorder is essential because having or not having TMAU is almost entirely outside your control.

Get Rid of Your Bad Breath Today!

Here at Valley Ridge Dental, we can help you get rid of the bad breath that has been plaguing you. We’ve covered you, from routine exams and cleanings to dental hygiene programs. You’ll soon have minty fresh breath and a smile in no time! Contact our NW Calgary dental clinic today.

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